Hi, I'm Travis john

I used to wonder if my self-blazed trail was just me being different, until a Kolbe assessment confirmed that innovation isn't just what I do—it's who I am. This insight has been liberating, allowing me to fully embrace and integrate my diverse skills. With a track record of driving growth and a pragmatic approach to business growth, I'm passionately dedicated to transforming traditional markets through technology. This isn't just my career; it's a calling woven into my very DNA.

What I'm Up to

Whether you're looking to talk shop about real-world assets, refine your go-to-market strategy, build influential networks, or navigate the complexities of connecting your DeFi project to traditional markets, I'm here to be a resource in your journey.

Connecting the blockchain with real world applications


Hear from the builders behind the boldest blockchain projects, providing insights into the future of a tokenized world. Join us (& be a guest yourself) as we explore how tokenization is transforming everything from finance to physical assets, enhancing access and liquidity across the board.
Click Here to visit RWA.builders

Get In Touch

I invite you to schedule a quick 15-minute chat and we can take it from there.